I remember back in the day when my father and I would say goodbye. "See ya later alligator," and he would reply "After a while bibliophile!" Yes, it makes no sense, but it's cute.
Books. My life has been surrounded by lots of books. Favorite place ever was the Radcliffe Camera in Oxford. Made me feel a bit like a privileged snob or Harry Potter. Anyway, the Bodleian is the Mecca of all serious librarians. My mother longed to go inside.
The reason I bring this up is that BOOKS ARE MORE USEFUL THAN BLOGS! Quick dissemination of half-knowledge is here, but the library brings you highly researched information for free.

This is free, too, but the library has the upper hand. So I bring to you books on topics I'd love to explore here, but lack the research in order to do so.
Nudity: A Cultural Anatomy, R. Barcan.
Live Nude Girl: My Life as an Object, K. Rooney.
I'd be curious to read those books.
Here's another one - Kiki's Memoirs
Her real name was Alice Prin, she was the most popular model in Paris in the beginning of last century (1900-1930).
An article about her in Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alice_Prin
Thanks girly. Will check it out.
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