Monday, July 20, 2009

know your rights

I apologize. A document that parallels the Declaration of Sentiments should not be written overnight, and not by one person. What I will leave with you is a quote of the importance of being patient.

"There is one form of hope which is never unwise, and which certainly does not diminish with the increase of knowledge. In that form it changes its name, and we call it patience."


Til then reread the Bill of Rights, perhaps when you get bored in the breakroom at work, the Labor Standards Act. Just know that there are laws to protect you that people will bend or are simply ignorant of. Know your rights.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Seneca Falls Convention: July 19th and 20th, 1848

Collective memory makes a society. I almost forgot that today was the anniversary of the Seneca Falls Convention. But I am here to redeem myself. It's usually an 'f' word to be a feminist nowadays, but really I would be shaming those who gave me the basic right to vote, and to own property among other things. I am happily a feminist who studied Feminist Theory at Oxford. So in honor of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott, the writers of the Declaration of Sentiments, I will present you the Art Models Basic Rights tomorrow. The Seneca Falls Convention lasted two days, and this will too. Just know that this crucial event to women's rights began today. Please comment with what you think should be included. It's vain to think I can do this by myself. I want to be Elizabeth Cady Stanton, the radical who thought women's suffrage should be included in the document. Who will you be?

Thursday, July 16, 2009


to see the world in a grain of sand
and to see heaven in a wild flower
hold infinity in the palm of your hand
and eternity in an hour.

-william blake

I stare at dirt. I get paid for it actually. There are smudges on windows and cracks in walls, but dirt is my favorite.

It's crazy how calm you can get by holding poses. The only sense of time you have is the number of songs that have played. But if you let go of that...peace. Simple peace.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Try again.

The other morning was hell. I didn't wake up to two alarms. I was late and greasy hair topped it all off. I hate being late, but really, it happens. So I give myself an allowance: 2 late days per year. I've already used them up, but the point is to try. Once you are aware of what's wrong you are better able to fix it. On nights that I don't get my ungodly amount of sleep, I have my friend call me in the morning, just in case those two alarms don't work.

There are other things that just being aware of can make you a better model.

  • Put your cell phone on silent before the class starts.
  • Give yourself enough time for traffic.
  • Have at least two business cards handy.
  • Always have your planner with you at gigs.
  • Have at least two robes.
Another thing that almost made that day even more hellish was that I left my robe at the artist's home the day before. If I didn't have a second it would have made the late, greasy haired model even more awkward. But as long as you try to be better it's worth it and you'll be forgiven. Try again.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Bibliophiles make me smile.

I remember back in the day when my father and I would say goodbye. "See ya later alligator," and he would reply "After a while bibliophile!" Yes, it makes no sense, but it's cute.

Books. My life has been surrounded by lots of books. Favorite place ever was the Radcliffe Camera in Oxford. Made me feel a bit like a privileged snob or Harry Potter. Anyway, the Bodleian is the Mecca of all serious librarians. My mother longed to go inside.

The reason I bring this up is that BOOKS ARE MORE USEFUL THAN BLOGS! Quick dissemination of half-knowledge is here, but the library brings you highly researched information for free.
This is free, too, but the library has the upper hand. So I bring to you books on topics I'd love to explore here, but lack the research in order to do so.

And, if you'd like to save a tree or two here are some other good places to get these books. The libraries here in Austin are wonderful.