I've always hated people ranking careers. In my perspective, it is usually done by income and education. People need to work to create a community, not to outrank each other. In other words I value the plumber as much as the lawyer; the prostitute and the English teacher. Each serve their purpose in the world.
I'm happy as an art model. I just want to make it a career with health insurance. As a community we can do this. Hopefully, you will join me.
I have the utmost respect for what you're trying to do. It's admirable. I regret that I am only able to "join" you in spirit. Believe me if I were in Austin, I'd be supporting you in every way I could.
Don't give up. Best of luck!
That was the sweetest thing ever! Thank you, Claudia.
Interest is growing. We're having a meet and greet next week for the first time. Thanks for the luck. It'll be put to good use.
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