I celebrate Winter. I love it. Snowflakes and icicles, skating rinks and scarves. This past Tuesday for a modeling gig, I dressed up as the Snow Queen departing for her season was almost over. And today, it is.
Today is the first day of Spring. It's almost sad for me, but there are Alphonse Mucha's seasons that are so beautiful. So it's not that bad. I loved how today our President celebrated the new year of Iran in his own diplomatic way.
Today is Nowruz, an ancient, traditional Persian holiday that is tied to the government. It is a day of pardoning prisoners, allowing the public to have an audience, and monetary gifts. Being the new year as well, one celebrates the turning of a new leaf. For me, I will study yoga more so that my body becomes stronger.
I like your tastes. Mucha is also one of my favorites. Good luck with yoga. :)
Happy Nowruz and all the other New Years too. Mucha is cool and so are snow queens who do Yoga. Namaste!
Thanks Tiffany!
I was lucky enough to visit his hometown, Prague. I've loved his work ever since. Thanks for visiting!
Happy Nowruz to you, too Theresa!
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