Hi there. Haven't written in a bit, and I apologize. It's getting harder to write about modeling when you aren't doing it as a full-time job. For those who are, I know the pay rate and how hard it is. I remember filling my gastank a quarter of the way or half tank if I was lucky. We depend on buses.
Capital Metro is taking a survey of all the riders and their routes from February through April. Surveyors will be identified with a nametag as representatives of Capital Metro, so there is no need to worry about creepy guys asking where you live. Look for the CapMetro nametag.
Tell them what routes you need in place to make traveling easier. East/West routes? I personally want the #9 to go to Laguna Gloria on weekdays. There are a lot of classes at Laguna Gloria and the #9 only goes there on Saturday, a day in which I've never model there. Tell them what you think. Collectively we can make art modeling a sustainable career. I have some more ideas, but patience is key.