Thank you. This goes out to all the artists whether they are struggling or not, thank you. It's Christmas, and at Christmas you tell the truth: life wouldn't be worth living without song, beautiful pictures, and handmade dresses and afghans. This is my life I'm talking about. I read on Jennifer Balkan's mirror a quote, "Art is like sex; an individual can survive without it, but a civilization cannot." So I am thankful for you all, just as you are kind and full of gratitude for people who sit around all day. :smile:
I don't know how to say it - it's your life. Just know that sometimes your art can get a girl through a hellish workday. Just a few minutes looking at a beautiful print can bring her soul back to her. Please don't put your art away...on a shelf, next year when I have time, when the kids are grown. Make time. You can do it. You can balance the mundane with the inspirational. I believe in you.